There's no escaping all the treats floating around at Halloween...or is there? I created this catchy little contrivance for Denise, my Sweet & Sinister Swap Sista to trick her into thinking that her treats could be fully contained. Buwhahahaha!
ps Thanks for you comment on my blog. Tout Simplement Clodine is a french magazine made in Quebec, I'm not certain if you can find it. They publish 1/year. I'll try to post snipits of my project once the publication is out.
Too cute :)
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog.
ps Thanks for you comment on my blog. Tout Simplement Clodine is a french magazine made in Quebec, I'm not certain if you can find it. They publish 1/year. I'll try to post snipits of my project once the publication is out.
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